Our faculty

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration of the Lebanese University and professor of AI and Big data at EHEI. He holds a PhD in Computing and Mathematics and a Master of Information technology from Western Sydney University, Australia.

Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies Engineer at Associate at CyberAlliance, Delaware, US. She holds a PhD in Computer Science from Bircham International University, a Master in in Blockchain and FinTech from IEBS - Business School and a Master in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning from University of Alcala.

Director of Research for Executive Coaching Consultants. He hold a PhD in computer science and conducts research in artificial intelligence and optimization. He is the author of Quantitative Research Methods: From Theory to Publication and he is professors of machine learning and deep learning at the EHE.

Professor of Business at the Southern New Hampshire University and Senior Director of International Programs and Professor of Business, at Okan International University - Turkey. He holds a PhD in Business Management from Maltepe University - Turkey and a Master of Arts in Political Science from Istanbul University.

CEO of SKOLA VR (Virtual Reality for Education) and Full Professor at the business school of the Universidad Autonoma del Caribe. He holds a PhD in Management Sciences from Universidad Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín - Venezuela and a Master in Human Resources Management.

Founder of TheUnique Group - Italy and Director of Customer Experience of A12Lab Strategy and Marketing. She was Professor of Marketing Management at Michigan State University and University of Minnesota for summer intensive programs. She holds a MBA and a Certificate in Integrated Communications Corporate Communications, Leadership, PR, Lobbying - Florida State University, Tallahasse, FL (USA).

Innovation consultant and PhD in Tourism Innovation at the Universitat de les Illes Balears and Universitat de Girona - Spain. She was Directot of the Institute of Business innovation of the Baleari Islands from 2019 to August 2023. She hols a Posgraduate degree in Project management - Institut Català de Tecnologia and a Bachelor degree in Industrial engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Spain.

Founder of Digital Education Group and Academic Director - MIA Digital University, Barcelona Spain. She was President of Marconi International University - MIU City University of Florida and she is currently the Head of Institution at EHEI. She worked for several years as instructional designer and education consultant for many European and US educational groups.

Associate Professor at DMI-St John the Baptist University, Mangochi, Malawi, he was Dean, vice principal and professor at many international colleges. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Education and a Maste of Science in Psychology. He is an expert in Research Methods, Educational Psychology, Education Technology, he published many articles in international journals and participate at many conferences on a global level.

He spent more than 15 years serving as a leader, innovator and changemaker in education showcasing in-depth insights as an administrator, educator and online education program director. He is leadership leader at eCornell University – USA and was associate provost of academic affairs at Miami Regional and grant director at Miami Dade College. He hold a Doctorate of education from California Coast University and a Docthorate of Law at Purdue Global Law School. He also hold a master in business administration and management from Columbia Southwestern University.

He works as Curriculum Specialist for the Ministry of National Education of Turkey. He holds a PhD in Curriculum Literacy and a Master of Education from Cukurova University – Turkey. He has an extensive experience in the development of online curriculum and educational material and he is author of different pubblications and books.

She holds a Master of Education - Curriculum & Instruction with Technology from Houston Baptist University (Texas), a Master in Business Administration from American Intercontinental University- Houston and a Doctorate in Business Administration from Argosy University. Dr. Mokolo’s professional recognitions include Cornell University’s Human Resources Director’s certifcation, and recognition by the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) as both a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) and a Gloabl Professional in Human Resources (GPHR).

With over 25 years of experience in teaching, Fabiana Pica has an extensive experience in innovative assessment and quality assurance, curriculum development and instructional design and strategies. She holds a bachelor degree in educational science and a certificate in teaching from Cambridge University. Prof. Pica gained valuable experience in collaboration with higher education institutions, universities and ministries of education across Europe.